Welcome to my blog! It has taken me a while to get to this but here it is. My first blog posting. I am planning on sharing some highlights from my daily life with you. I live on a small acerage near Calgary, Alberta with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, a token cow and even a sheep named Spot or Rambo, depending on what he is doing at any given moment in time. I also want to share my progress with the manuscripts I am currently working on.
A bit of exciting news for today. I am speaking to the Calgary branch of the SCBWI tonight at 7pm. The meeting is at South Centre Mall in the meeting room on the first floor there. The topic is epublishing and how it fits into the ever changing world of publishing. I am looking forward to it very much.
The registration for the Surrey International Writers Conference opens on June 6th at 12pm. This is a wonderful conference, I have attended for the past two years and this year I am honored to taking pitches for MuseItUp Publishing on Friday and Sunday. The world is opening its arms to me lately and I am most grateful.
Please subscribe to my blog and encourage others to. I promise I will try to be exciting.
Cheers for now
In : Publishing
nancy bell
nancy marie bell
museitup publishing